All leather used in our manufacturing is processed for Finnish conditions, dyed throughout and finished with a top pigment. The top pigment is the first to wear off in use. Leather itself endures stress well and the wearing off of the top pigment does not affect the functionality of the product in any way. Leather is processed using as safe chemicals and dyes as possible. The processing technique adheres to the REACH regulation.
Lamb napa leather is a soft, flexible, windproof and naturally breathable material. It is processed to be water-resistant and is very durable.
Reindeer napa leather is strong but silky soft as well. It is a very thermal material that can be combined with a thick lining without losing any functional properties, resulting in a product that is luxurious and extremely warm.
Reindeer napa leather is an ethical and ecological choice. Reindeer roam freely in nature and leather is a by-product of meat industry. The carbon footprint of reindeer leather is low. Reindeer don’t require heated indoor structures to live or a industrial feed process. Transportation distance from supply to manufacturer to Paccas is short.
Merino wool lining is exceptionally warm. It’s comfortable, breathable and transfers moisture effectively, which is why it has become one of the most desirable materials in rough conditions. The lining feels warm and dry even when moist. Merino wool is an antibacterial and odor resistant material. The merino wool used by Paccas is mulesing-free.
Polyester lining is warm and enhances windproofness. Polyester is a versatile and popular material. It absorbs very little moisture and therefore dries quickly. Polyester is durable, elastic and long lasting.
Genuine fur lining is an extravagant and remarkably warm material for gloves. Lamb fur is the most ecological of our lining choices, because it is a by-product of meat industry and consumes very little energy in manufacturing. Fur is a biologically decomposable material.
Finnfill is a patented lining material used in our gloves. It is 50% merino wool and 50% polyester. Finnfill combines the comfortabilty, warmth and breathability of merino wool with the softness of polyester to offer a wonderfully light and warm lining in gloves. Finnfill is produced in Finland.
Paccas strives to recycle or reuse all surplus material of the manufacturing process.